Yoga and Meditation Sessions
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Inner Engineering Online & Live Sessions

Inner Engineering Online

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"Having the inner strength, balance, and capability to live well irrespective of outside situations and conditions – that is freedom." - Sadhguru

Unlock the Freedom Within

Isha Yoga Sessions offer you simple, scientifically proven tools to cultivate peace, joy and wellbeing in your body, mind and emotions. Whether you are seeking to eliminate anxiety, improve productivity, or regain a lost sense of vibrancy, there are a variety of sessions to dive into.

The practices are suitable for everyone, so gather your friends, family and loved ones to join us for these sessions!



Bring Stability to Your Body and Mind


Eliminate Stress & Tension

Asset 8

Experience Joyfulness


Upcoming Live Sessions
1st-10th 11th-20th 21st-31st

Wed, 14 Aug | 18:00 BST / 19:00 CEST / 20:00 EEST
<h2>Session Highlights & Benefits</h2> <p>Join this live introduction to discover how Inner Engineering can transform your life:</p> <ul> <li>Learn how this technology, derived from the science of Yoga, can enhance your mental clarity, emotional balance & productivity.</li> <li>Discover how the programme can improve your communication & interpersonal relationships.</li> <li>Get your questions answered in a live Q&A with an Isha Yoga instructor.</li> <li>Find out more about the programme structure, the actual practice that is taught during Inner Engineering - and its benefits!</li> </ul>
“As there is a technology to create external wellbeing, there is a whole dimension of science and technology to create inner wellbeing.” - <i>Sadhguru</i>

Introduction to Inner Engineering

Wed, 14 Aug
18:00 - 19:00 BST

Introduction to Inner Engineering

Wed, 14 Aug
18:00 - 19:00 BST

Inner Engineering can deeply enhance the way you perceive and experience your life, work, relationships and the world you live in. Join us for an introduction to this technology for wellbeing, and learn how you can unlock your full potential through powerful tools of self-transformation.

Introduction to Inner Engineering

18:00 - 19:00 BST
Wed, 14 Aug

Introduction to Inner Engineering

18:00 - 19:00 BST
Wed, 14 Aug
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Do, 15. Aug | 19:00 Uhr
<h2>Highlights und Vorteile der Sitzung</h2> <p>Nimm an dieser Live Einführung teil und entdecke, wie Inner Engineering dein Leben verändern kann:</p> <ul> <li>Erfahre, wie diese aus der Wissenschaft des Yoga abgeleitete Technologie deine geistige Klarheit, emotionale Ausgeglichenheit und Produktivität verbessern kann.</li> <li>Entdecke, wie das Programm deine Kommunikation und deine zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen verbessern kann.</li> <li>Erhalte Antworten auf deine Fragen in einer Live Fragestunde mit einem Isha Yoga Lehrer.</li> <li>Erfahre mehr über die Programmstruktur, sowie die konkrete Übung, die im Inner Engineering gelehrt wird und ihre Vorteile!</li> </ul>
“So wie es eine Technologie gibt, um äußeres Wohlbefinden zu schaffen, gibt es eine ganze Dimension von Wissenschaft und Technologie, um inneres Wohlbefinden zu schaffen.“ <i>Sadhguru</i>

Einführung zu Inner Engineering

Thu, 15 Aug
19:00 - 20:00 CEST

Einführung zu Inner Engineering

Thu, 15 Aug
19:00 - 20:00 CEST

Inner Engineering kann die Art und Weise, wie du dein Leben, deine Arbeit, deine Beziehungen und die Welt, in der du lebst, wahrnimmst und erlebst, tiefgreifend verbessern. Nimm an einer Einführung in diese Technologie des Wohlbefindens teil und lerne, wie du dein volles Potenzial durch kraftvolle Werkzeuge der Selbsttransformation freisetzen kannst.

Einführung zu Inner Engineering

19:00 - 20:00 CEST
Thu, 15 Aug

Einführung zu Inner Engineering

19:00 - 20:00 CEST
Thu, 15 Aug
Erfahre mehr
Gio, 15 ago alle 19:00 CEST
<h2>Punti salienti della sessione e benefici</h2> <p>Unisciti a noi e impara la meditazione Isha Kriya (12 minuti)!</p> <ul> <li>Scopri pace e benessere nteriore con Isha Kriya</li> <li>Nessuna esperienza di meditazione è necessaria! </li> <li>Elimina l'ansia e crea benessere interiore con la meditazione.</li> <li>Scopri come sbloccare la libertà interiore, e vivi il potere trasformativo della Meditazione </li> </ul>
"Paura, rabbia e stress sono veleni creati da te. Se te ne fai carico, puoi creare una chimica di beatitudine. Progetta te stesso per il benessere interiore"- Sadhguru

Yoga per Principianti

Thu, 15 Aug
19:00 - 20:00 CEST

Yoga per Principianti

Thu, 15 Aug
19:00 - 20:00 CEST

La Meditazione è un termine che forse conosci; ma come mediti esattamente? Questa sessione ti offrirà una risposta, ma anche una pratica per eliminare l'ansia e creare benessere interiore duraturo con la meditazione. Unisciti a noi e impara la meditazione Isha Kriya (12 minuti)!

Yoga per Principianti

19:00 - 20:00 CEST
Thu, 15 Aug

Yoga per Principianti

19:00 - 20:00 CEST
Thu, 15 Aug
Per saperne di più
Vie, 16 ago a las 19:00 CEST


<h2>Session Highlights & Benefits</h2> <p>Join this live session to learn the 12-minute Isha Kriya meditation and experience the transformative power of the Yogic sciences.</p> <ul> <li>Experience inner peace and wellbeing with Isha Kriya.</li> <li>Helps eliminate stress and anxiety. </li> <li>You can practice Isha Kriya daily - wherever you are, whenever you want.</li> <li>No previous experience of meditation required!</li> <li>Get your questions answered in a live Q&A session with a trained Isha Yoga instructor.</li> </ul>
"Fear, anger, and stress are poisons you create. If you take charge, you can create a chemistry of blissfulness. Engineer yourself to inner wellbeing." - <i>Sadhguru</i>

Yoga para Principiantes

ONLINE Free Spanish
Fri, 16 Aug
19:00 - 20:00 CEST

Yoga para Principiantes

ONLINE Free Spanish
Fri, 16 Aug
19:00 - 20:00 CEST

Meditation is a term you’re probably familiar with - but how exactly do you meditate? This session will offer you not only an answer, but a practice to eliminate anxiety, and establish lasting inner wellbeing through meditation.

Yoga para Principiantes

ONLINE Free Spanish
19:00 - 20:00 CEST
Fri, 16 Aug

Yoga para Principiantes

ONLINE Free Spanish
19:00 - 20:00 CEST
Fri, 16 Aug
Más información
Mer. 21 août à 19:00 CEST
<h2>Points Forts & Avantages de la Séance</h2> <p>Participez à cette session en direct pour apprendre la méditation Isha Kriya de 12 minutes et expérimenter le pouvoir de transformation des sciences yogiques.</p> <ul> <li>Faites l'expérience de la paix intérieure et du bien-être avec Isha Kriya.</li> <li>Aide à éliminer le stress et l'anxiété.</li> <li>Vous pouvez pratiquer Isha Kriya quotidiennement, où que vous soyez, quand vous le voulez.</li> <li>Aucune expérience préalable de la méditation n'est requise!</li> <li>Obtenez des réponses à vos questions lors d'une session de questions-réponses en direct avec un instructeur de yoga formé par Isha.</li> </ul>
"La peur, la colère et le stress sont des poisons que vous créez. Si vous prenez la chose en main, vous pouvez créer une chimie de félicité. Façonnez votre bien-être intérieur." <i>Sadhguru</i>

Yoga pour débutants

Wed, 21 Aug
19:00 - 20:00 CEST

Yoga pour débutants

Wed, 21 Aug
19:00 - 20:00 CEST

La méditation est un terme qui vous est probablement familier : mais comment méditer exactement ? Cette séance vous offrira non seulement une réponse mais aussi une pratique pour éliminer l'anxiété et établir un bien-être intérieur durable par la méditation.

Yoga pour débutants

19:00 - 20:00 CEST
Wed, 21 Aug

Yoga pour débutants

19:00 - 20:00 CEST
Wed, 21 Aug
En savoir plus
Sun, 25 Aug at 18:00 BST / 19:00 CEST / 20:00 EEST
<h2>Session Highlights & Benefits</h2> <p>Join this live session to learn the 12-minute Isha Kriya meditation and experience the transformative power of the Yogic sciences.</p> <ul> <li>Experience inner peace and wellbeing with Isha Kriya.</li> <li>Helps eliminate stress and anxiety. </li> <li>You can practice Isha Kriya daily - wherever you are, whenever you want.</li> <li>No previous experience of meditation required!</li> <li>Get your questions answered in a live Q&A session with a trained Isha Yoga instructor.</li> </ul>
"Fear, anger, and stress are poisons you create. If you take charge, you can create a chemistry of blissfulness. Engineer yourself to inner wellbeing." - <i>Sadhguru</i>

Yoga for Beginners

Sun, 25 Aug
18:00 - 19:00 BST

Yoga for Beginners

Sun, 25 Aug
18:00 - 19:00 BST

Meditation is a term you’re probably familiar with - but how exactly do you meditate? This session will offer you not only an answer, but a practice to eliminate anxiety, and establish lasting inner wellbeing through meditation.

Yoga for Beginners

18:00 - 19:00 BST
Sun, 25 Aug

Yoga for Beginners

18:00 - 19:00 BST
Sun, 25 Aug
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If you have any questions please reach out to us through the support portal.